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About us

Here at Vape Generation, we’re big believers in getting to enjoy your life to the fullest, that means making your own choices and getting to enjoy the products that you choose. Vaping is an effective and affordable alternative to smoking that is helping everyday people live a longer and more full life, we’re proud to be part of that journey.

We started our business to respond to the lack of high quality and affordable vaping options across Western Australia. Today we’re proud that we’ve become a major distributor of a range of vaping products. 

We help our customers make strong choices when deciding what vape products are right for them, we help guide people through their journey of quitting smoking and enjoying a pleasant hobby.

We work hard to make sure that we carry a great range with many options for every person, we’ve designed our store to be clean, clear and accessible.

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What our customers say about our products

Steps to get started with vaping


Choosing to quit smoking

The first step begins by recognising the impact smoking has had on your life and making the choice to quit, only once you’ve made the decision to quit can you begin your journey to recovery.

Part of the challenge of quitting is all of the habits and rituals that have formed over years of reinforcement, this is why many other methods have such a low success rate. Many types of vaping products are designed to mimic the sensation provided by smoking, this can help trick your brain into thinking it is smoking, making it easier to kick the habit for good.


Choosing the right hardware

There are many options when it comes to picking out your hardware, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by it all. We’ll try to explain some of the broader points here but with all of the depth it’s a conversation better had in person where we can get a feel for what suits you best.

There are three main components that make up a vape device. The first is the battery which is quite straight forward. The second is the atomiser, or more commonly known as the tank, this part holds the reserve liquid. Finally the last part is the coil which is the component responsible for heating a vaporising the liquid.



Selecting your juice

The fluid that is turned into vapour for you to inhale is know as e-liquid or sometimes as juice. The fluid is responsible for the various sensations that you feel when vaping, it is composed of some simple ingredients and can be highly customisable. 

Being such a straightforward compound gives us many opportunities for generating different vaping profiles and flavours, it also gives you the ability to customise how much nicotine you want in your e-liquid.

There are many different options and each is unique in it’s own way, getting to try different options is the highlight of vaping.

Our hardware partners

Frequently asked questions

How to shop

No, you can choose to checkout using a guest account. 

Simply browse through our stock, selecting which products you would like to add to your cart. Once you have decided which products you would like to purchase, click the checkout button at the top of the screen and complete the checkout process.

Certainly, you can contact us using 0403 530 519

Pricing & payment

We currently only sell in Australia and only accept payment in AUD.

We process charges as you make a purchase, however there is typically a couple of days delay between the charge and your bank displaying the charge.

For online payments we accept most major credit cards, alternatively you can come see us in person and pay in cash.

Yes, we secure all personal details using a high level of encryption, this is why your browser shows a padlock next to our URL.

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Got questions? We're here to help.

If you’ve got questions regarding anything vape related, please feel free to contact us using one of the methods provided.

If you’re new to vaping and would like some advice on how to get started, we’re more than happy to point you in the right direction.

Our trading hours

  • Monday 10 am - 6 pm
  • Tuesday 10 am - 6 pm
  • Wednesday 10 am - 6 pm
  • Thursday 10 am - 6 pm
  • Friday 10 am - 6 pm
  • Saturday 10 am - 2 pm
  • Sunday Closed